更新日:2022年6月23日 ページID:038820
核兵器禁止条約第1回締約国会議 NGOセッション
平和首長会議 副会長 田上富久
1st Conference of the Parties for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapon
June 21, 2022 (Vienna)
Mayors for Peace Vice-President Speech (TAUE Tomihisa)
Chairman, distinguished delegates, and leaders of civil groups, I am TAUE Tomihisa, Mayor of Nagasaki. It is an honor to address you on such a momentous occasion as this, the starting point for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).
The hibakusha, the survivors of the atomic bombing, have praised the Treaty, calling it a ray of hope, illuminating the path toward the realization of a world free of nuclear weapons. They have rejoiced greatly in its adoption. In the 2017 Nagasaki Peace Declaration delivered at the Nagasaki Peace Ceremony on August 9th, I stated that I would like to call this Treaty, which mentions the suffering and struggles of the hibakusha, the “Hiroshima-Nagasaki Treaty.”
On this occasion, let me again express my respect and gratitude to everyone’s efforts toward the creation of the Treaty and also their courageous efforts and unwavering commitment to abolish nuclear weapons.
Almost a year and a half has passed since the Treaty has come into effect and now, amidst the Ukraine Crisis, threats of nuclear force are being made and there is a risk that nuclear weapons will be used again. Now more than ever, I feel that the existence of the Treaty is very important, as it is the only international treaty that clearly prohibits the “immediate crisis” the world is now facing.
At such a time of crisis, preventing the use of nuclear weapons and threats of nuclear force is a common behavioral principle that can be shared among us, even with the countries not party to the Treaty. By making this principle universal, I believe that we can achieve our final goal of nuclear weapons abolition, without allowing their use.
At present, the path to a world free of nuclear weapons is becoming increasingly steep. In such chaotic times where it seems that we are losing our way, it is important to take heart and remember the words of the hibakusha who recall their painful memories to tell us their stories to spare this generation and the next what they have been through. The suffering they have endured is why this treaty exists and, while we cannot go back and experience that pain ourselves, we can empathize with their wishes. At this time where the risk of another Hiroshima and Nagasaki is mounting, we must come together under the hibakusha’s motto of “make Nagasaki the last atomic bombing site” and foster a global sense of empathy to combat the use of nuclear weapons.
In conclusion, I hope that this conference leads to great progress and proves to be an opportunity that promotes momentum toward the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Thank you.