更新日:2024年11月14日 ページID:042953
アフリカ開発会議(TICAD)参加国首脳宛て |
謹啓 残秋の候、貴台にはますます御清祥のことと心からお喜び申し上げます。
広島市長 長崎市長
松井 一實 鈴木 史朗
アフリカ開発会議(TICAD)参加国首脳宛て |
November 14, 2024
We hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. We would like to humbly request that you visit the atomic-bombed cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the occasion of the Ninth Tokyo International Conference on African Development, to be held in August 2025 in Japan.
In August 1945, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki reduced our cities to scorched plains, claiming countless lives and shattering life as normal. The survivors, known as the hibakusha, are still impaired by the adverse effects of radiation on their minds and bodies.
The current tense global situation is deepening distrust and fear among nations, expanding nuclear and other armaments to maintain superiority over others. If the public assumption that we have to rely on military force gains ground, the realization of a peaceful world will grow only farther out of reach.
Amid these circumstances, next year marks the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombings. We, the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, have called on policymakers around the world to visit our cities so that they will deepen their understanding and empathy with the plea of the hibakusha, who, enduring past grief and overcoming hatred, yearn for world peace.
Africa has been contributing to the reinforcement of the international nuclear nonproliferation regime, as exemplified by the entry into force of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty in 2009. We sincerely hope that you will visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki during this milestone year to gain deeper insights into the realities of atomic bombings, take into your heart the hibakusha plea for peace that “no one should ever suffer as we have,” and witness the two cities that have been rebuilt from the ashes to become symbols of peace. To prompt policymakers relying on nuclear deterrence to shift to diplomatic policies for peaceful conflict resolution, it is our hope that you will also provide further support for the efforts of Mayors for Peace, consisting of more than 8,400 member cities around the world, and take action with us in pursuing the abolition of nuclear weapons.
The citizens of the atomic-bombed cities look forward to sincerely welcoming you and wish to work with your country for the abolition of nuclear weapons and lasting world peace.
In closing, we extend our best wishes for your good health and every success in your endeavors.
Mayor Mayor
The City of Hiroshima The City of Nagasaki